TMJ Pain Relief Therapy


Are you suffering from any of these common TMJ symptoms?

  • Pain or tenderness in the face, neck, shoulders, or around your ears

  • Pain, crunching noises, or locking when opening or closing the jaw, especially with crunchy or chewy foods

  • A tired feeling in the face

  • Difficulty opening or closing mouth

  • Headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness, ear pain, teeth pain

  • Grinding/clenching your teeth during the day or while sleeping

  • Difficulty sleeping, snoring, fatigue, frustration

Relief is as easy as 1-2-3!

Common symptoms of TMJ disorder

Step One: Assessment

Not all TMJ cases are the same. That’s why our first visit is a 40 minute deep dive:

  • does your jaw make an S or C shape when you open/close? Any fun noises?

  • where are the grumpy spots? There’s often some sneaky ones you don’t even know about yet, but we’ll find ‘em!

  • what past history might be contributing to today’s symptoms? (think braces, headaches, injuries to the face/neck/jaw)

  • what have you tried that’s working or not working so well?

  • what other habits/postures are potentially making things worse?

During our first visit, we will begin Correction by performing your first treatment as well.

Lady with jaw pain grimacing

Step Two: Correction

After a lifetime of suffering with my own chronic headaches and jaw grumpies, I have trained extensively in TMJ relief, so we have plenty of tools to draw from, including:

  • massage/myofascial release of the muscles of the face, neck, and jaw (yup, even inside the mouth!)

  • analyzing your mandibular gait (opening/closing pattern) and making corrections

  • gentle chiropractic adjustments to the neck and jaw

  • dry needling (tiny acupuncture needles in the really stubborn spots)

  • discussing night guard options with your dental professional

Correction takes several visits, and works best when combined with step 3: Prevention.


Step Three: Prevention (the missing link!)

Feeling better is great, but how do we keep you better?

  • assess your daily habits and eliminate the bad guys (gum!)

  • teach you how to open/close the mouth properly

  • customized, simple home exercises to strengthen the weak muscles that are contributing to ongoing pain and dysfunction

This has been the missing link in my TMJ journey: why can’t we strengthen and re-train the jaw muscles just like any other joint? This is the KEY to the best long-term pain relief. Schedule today so you can say goodbye and good riddance to clicking and pain!